
Health photo

We are committed to your dog's health. To do so, we appreciate a copy of your dog’s health book.

To protect the health of your dog and its neighbours, we require each owner to provide us with proof the following treatments were given:

  • DAPP in the last 3 years

  • Kennel cough Bordetella in the last year

  • Flea repellent in the last month (seasonal)

Should your animal need medical attention, we will contact you or your emergency contact (indicated in our required registration form) without delay.

By signing the form, you agree we will decide on a course of action in case of an emergency should we be unable to reach you or your contact.

The Clinique Vétérinaire St-Tite is 10 minutes from our kennel and the Hôpital vétérinaire trifluvien is open 24/7.